Wednesday 4 March 2015

Special Guests Bert Cook 93 Not Out & Still Going Strong

William Herbert Cook, is one of the oldest Muirites alive. Bert or better known as Bertie by his friends, was born in London on the 4th of April 1921. Bert arrived in South Africa at age 11 after the death of his parents in London, where he stayed with his aunt who had been a nursing sister at the provincial hospital in Port Elizabeth, but later was placed in charge of the nursing home for Dr Braun in Uitenhage.

Bert attended Muir in the Old Redbrick Building in Park Avenue. As you can imagine coming to Muir halfway through Std. 5 made things interesting for Bert, as he had to learn Afrikaans. It was decided that Bert would only start Afrikaans in Std. 6. Mr Myburgh was Bert’s Std. 6 teacher and also a hostel master. Without any shadow of a doubt Mr Myburgh was the finest teacher Bert had ever met. Mr Myburgh tutored Bert for an hour every day, while the other students were in prep. By June Bert was able to write the same Afrikaans exam as the other boys, with the exception that he was able to use a dictionary. Bert then matriculated in 1937 and then began working for Standard Bank in 1938.

Bert will be attending this year's Founders Celebrations with his son Eric. We look forward to catching up with Bert and all other Old Muirites who will be returning to their Alma mater,

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